Thursday, January 7, 2016

CarryGrace 52 Wk Photo Challenge Wk 1 Linkup

Today is the first week of the Photo Challenge. I am excited to see everyone's photos! (And hoping that there will be more than 2 people link up.)

This challenge is simple. There are no fancy prompts. Just get out your camera and make an effort to capture your sweet family each week.

My little Henry's curls vanished as soon as the temperatures dropped. I needed to capture that smile before it changes again. He will soon lose another tooth. He is growing up way too fast.

Link your pictures below.
-Please link directly to your blog post, not your blog's home page.
-Please leave a text link back to this post so that others can find it.

Don't have a blog? You can post your pictures on IG and use the hashtag #carrygrace52wkphotochallenge .

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